Thursday, October 25, 2007

We're Back!!

Wow!! Where does time go? I wanted to post a lot earlier but unfortunately my sons' preschool is keeping me very, very busy.

The highlight of our trip...meeting with our agency. We spent most of Friday with them going over the adoption process, what to expect, working on our dossier paperwork, and asking and answering lots of our questions about everything adoption related. We also got a chance to meet all of the staff that we will be working with on our adoption and post adoption. I did not realize until after we met how comforting that really see the face on the otherside everytime I call..and to see the agency, their offices and where it is in the world...basic stuff but what a HUGE difference that makes for us.

We are grateful for the time they have given us and know we are in really good hands. I finished the rest of our paperwork today and will send it in tomorrow. And now we wait. We don't expect to hear anything until maybe spring.

So...the official wait begins for our baby girl!!


Becky and Keith said...

So glad you had a good trip! Welcome to the land of waiting. And waiting. And waiting. :-) It's great that you at least know to not expect anything until the spring so you won't need to worry until then! :-) Hope you're having a good weekend!

Troy and Rachel said...

I am glad the trip went well. Welcome to waiting, waiting and more waiting. Oh, though-- won't it be worth it!!

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