Emily has 2 older brothers. She adores her brothers. She is also very interested in what they do. Bubba loves his Disney Cars and plays with them every day. Bubba is away today with daddy. Emily found Bubba's stash of cars and decided to give them a try. She drug them all over to me. She seems very interested...
I love that she picked the pink car. :-)
It takes a little while to get the cars in the slot.
Yeah!! I did it!
Very cute. I tried to send you an invite, let me know if it worked
Very cute. We only have one brother and yet, his toys seem more interesting than plain old boring dolls. :o)
Emily is so cute!!
I have three big sisters and one little brother. His boy toys were always way cool!
Emily is adorable as usual - especially with the pink car!
I just stumbled upon your blog and all three of your kids are adorable. I also have 2 bio. boys and we are waiting to go to Russia for our daughter. Emily is precious and it sounds like she is doing wonderfully. Congratulations and I look forward to reading more posts.
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