Sunday, October 5, 2008

I'm it! I've been tagged!!

I've been tagged by Angie at

So...six random things about me. That's pretty hard. Let's see what I can come up with...

1. I like to see and do new things. I keep a list of all places I want to visit in our file cabinet. Basically I want to see everywhere. I especially want to do a road trip with the kids when they get a little older and see every state in the US. My hubby wants to add to that list by seeing every amusement park in the US.

2. I lie about my height but not really sure why. I'm really 5'.3". But I say I'm 5'4". That extra little inch must make me feel so much better. :-)

3. I have a thing about numbers. My numbers seem to be 3, 5, and 1. They come up all the time and these 3 numbers together are in kids and hubby's birthdates, my height, my age, our ages, my anniversary, important dates during our adoption, etc.

4. I'm a quarter japanese and sadly it's the biggest claim to a culture I have. My grandfather is/was japanese and we celebrated a japanese new year's every year. I can make sushi in my sleep. I'm a big supporter of culture. It's important to have heritage and ties and celebrate them. My hubby is 100% danish, making the boys half danish. Our daughter is 100% russian. I'm excited for them to know this about their heritage and look forward to incorporating their cultures more into our family's lives.

5. Our home has a name. It's Lavendar Creek. :-) I love lavendar. It's all over our yard. We also have a creek for the kids to play in.

6. I grew up in a house that was haunted. Seeing things and hearing things and witnessing werid phenomenon was all part of the childhood package. For a long time my career choice was a parapsychologist. I remember the first time I moved into a new home with my 7 housemates in college. Never was a home more quiet..more empty than that one. I still love old homes and old things...they feel they are full of life and memories.

Well...that's that. Now it's my turn to tag 6 more people.

If I tag you, here are the rules...

1. link to the person that tagged you.
2.Post the rules on the blog.
3. Write six random facts about yourself.
4.Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged.
6. Let the taggers know when your entry is up.

And here are the people... If you have already been tagged, I apologize and you are exempt. And if you don't want to play, you don't have to either. This is spreading like wildfire and it's hard to keep up with all the tags. :-)


Bethany said...

LOL You just reminded me that I've been tagged once before, I think it was while I was in Russia. Okay, I have to think what to write. :)

Kim Abraham - Mom to the Fabulous Five! said...

I love lavender too! BTW, cute photo! You look so young and spunky! (Is that okay to say???) It won't be long before people start asking you if Emily is your little sister! ;0)


Becky and Keith said...

I love the name of your house... that is awesome! I agree with Kim - cute picture - so spunky!!! Did you cut your hair?

Carey and Norman said...

I loved your tag items as they were very unique. I too love to travel and would love to travel the world.

Haunted house...don't know that I could do that. I watch too many horror movies.

Amy...who wanted 4. said...

Love the post!
My grandparents lived in an olf haunted house for a long time. I love to listen to my Aunt's talk about it. (my mom had already married when they lived there)
that is also neat that you are 1/4 Japanese. I lived there for 4 years as a little girl.
Love the name of your house!

Melissa said...

cool a haunted house. hey, I havent seen you over on my blog lately. stop by.

Christen L said...

LOL! LOVE this post. All very interesting factoids. Now I have to go come up with some.... I just did a big long list of things about me bc I had someone ask me to... I'll have to think about this.

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